Mr. Ahmed Tu’mah, prime minister of the Syrian interim government, and David Tolbert, head of the International Center for Transitional Justice, used the 8th AlJazeera Forum second day’s keynote speech to address obstacles to democratic transformation in Syria and transitional justice, respectively. 

In the first plenary session of the 8th AlJazeera Forum, panellists revisited the path of change movements in the Arab world not only since the start of the Arab Spring in 2010, but even prior to that with Iraq and Morocco’s change movements.

The process of change in the Arab world continues to fumble its way toward the future despite obstacles faced on the transitional and democratic change fronts. In some countries, the confrontation between revolution and counter-revolution forces has become quite intense. In others, a series of...

There are several obstacles to democratization stemming from both the complex conditions in which the Arab world lives and the novelty of the democratic experience itself. Some of the obstacles and difficulties are natural and expected to accompany any transitional experience, while others are...

Three years after the start of the Arab Spring revolutions, it appears overthrowing dictatorships is easier than democracy building. Further, the correlation between the two is not always inevitable. Change is becoming more complicated, in some cases the situation is at a standstill, in others...