Nearly a year has passed since the start of the Gulf crisis on 5 June 2017 with a land, sea and air blockade on Qatar initiated by a media campaign executed by the besieging countries. Despite Kuwait’s concentrated diplomatic efforts and the support of regional and...


While Iran has surfaced as one of the main elements of the current Gulf Crisis, its relations with Arab Gulf countries were turbulent and dominated by mutual tension and suspicion rather than cooperation and common action for many decades. Crisis in various parts of...


More than eight years have passed since the beginning of the Arab Spring revolutions. The main demands of these revolutions were employment, development and social justice. However, despite the rapid changes witnessed by the region during these...


The crises and conflicts that erupted during the past number of years – with the Gulf crisis being the most recent – cover almost the entire Middle East, creating a high level of political and strategic liquidity. Accordingly, relations between the region’s...

U.S. President Donald Trump’s decision to declare Jerusalem the capital of Israel led to a wave of popular resentment, provided a new push in diplomacy and reintroduced the Palestinian cause to debate on the Arab and Islamic fronts and at the level of regional and global organisations and...

While the media covers crises, conflicts and wars; narrates events and puts their developments and trajectories into frameworks; and relays the perspectives of the parties involve in them; it also sheds light on the human dimension. This is the core of humanitarian work.



This session will review the key ideas discussed in prior sessions from a futuristic perspective. Where is the Gulf Crisis headed to? Could the ‘deal of the century’ be a fair solution to and a permanent settlement for to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict?

On what basis will the...