Director of Research at the Iraq Instititue for Economic Reform
Dr Kamal Field earned his PhD from the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow in 1985 and went on to occupy several academic positions with a number of universities around the UK. In 1997 Dr Field moved to the financial sector and worked for a number of international financial institutions, which include GE Capital, Barclays and Lloyds TSB. In 2003, he moved to Iraq and served as an Advisor to the Ministry of Trade during the Coalition Provisional Authority and subsequently served as Deputy Minister of Finance and as the Economic Advisor to the Prime Minister of Iraq. During his time in Iraq, Dr Field founded the Iraqi Institute for Economic Reform, which is currently one of the leading think tanks in the country where his current role is the Director of Research. Dr Field has contributed to many economic policies papers and written several academic papers both within the UK and Iraq.