Head of Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) Foreign Relations Office
Hemen Hawrami is currently a member of Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) Leadership Council and the head of its Foreign Relations Office since 2011. Mr Hawrami is the youngest member of the KDP Leadership. Born in 1976 in the town of, Mr Hawrami graduated with a BA degree in English literature in 1999 from Salahaddin University. He was an active member of Kurdistan Students Union from 1989 to 2000. Starting in 2004, he served in the office of President Barzani in several capacities till December 2010, when he was elected to the leadership of the KDP in its 13th Congress. Mr Hawrami is the author of six books on freedom and the relationship between opposition and authority in a democratic experience and has translated a wide variety of political writings from English to Kurdish and vice versa.